Payment Assistance
We understand life can bring uncertainties and hardships. If you are having trouble paying your bill, we’re here to help with our own payment programs and information on other community services.

Payment Arrangement
If you need more time paying your bill, contact us at 800-804-7424 or, and we can work together on a solution that's best for you.
Agency Assistance
Federal, State and Local Utility Assistance Programs
The Low-Income Home Energy Assistance Program (LIHEAP) provides home energy assistance to help eligible low-income households meet their home heating and/or cooling needs.
Berkeley County Customers
Palmetto Community Action Partnership
1069 King St, Charleston, SC
Georgetown County Customers
Waccamaw Economic Opportunity Council
1837 N Fraser St, Georgetown, SC
Horry County Customers
Waccamaw Economic Opportunity Council
Conway, Loris and Myrtle Beach locations
Agencies in Berkeley, Georgetown and Horry counties may be able to assist you with utility bills and other needs. The list is based on agencies that have reached out to Santee Cooper.
List of Helping FriendsLista de Amigos que AyundanThe Weatherization Assistance Program provides home weatherization assistance to improve the quality of life for low-income families - particularly for the elderly, people with disabilities and children - by improving the energy efficiency of their homes while ensuring their health and safety.

United Way 211
Explore United Way’s SC211 program for information on assistance with utility bills, housing, food and other essentials. The service is free, confidential and available any time by calling 211 or visiting
Santee Cooper employees proudly donate thousands of dollars each year to Anderson, Horry, Black River and Trident United Ways to support people in our communities.
Community Cares
Community Cares is a Santee Cooper program that allows neighbors to help neighbors pay their power bill. To request Community Cares funds, visit SC211.
Assistance is given through our collaboration with the United Way of Horry County, Black River United Way, and Trident United Way and may vary based on funds available.