Energy-Saving Tips for Home

Small changes in the way you use energy around your home can add up, saving you energy every day.

Adjust water heater to 120°F. Consider using a water heater timer.
Set your thermostat at 68°F or lower during the cooler months.
Set your thermostat to 78°F or higher in the warmer months.
Use window treatments to maximize sun in the winter and keep the heat out in the summer. Keep out drafts by weatherizing your home.
Run your dishwashers, washers and dryers outside of Peak Hours.
Use LEDs.
Invest in ENERGY STAR® appliances.
Purchase and install a smart thermostat to preheat and precool your home.
Tune up your cooling system if needed.
Turn off lights and other appliances you are not using.
Use power strips and smart plugs instead of plugging items in the wall.
Unplug phone chargers when not in use.
Avoid streaming on game consoles, which use more power than streaming on a tablet or laptop.
Replace heat pump filters at least every three months.
Use a dehumidifier in the summer.
Consider using a water saver.