Spring into Electrical Safety!

Spring into Electrical Safety!

Spring into Electrical Safety!

Spring has sprung! The time has come for warming weather, blooming flowers, chirping birds and electrical safety. May is National Electrical Safety Month, dedicated to promoting safety and raising awareness on potential electrical hazards in the home and community. The goal is to reduce electrically related incidents that may cause injuries, fatalities, fires and property loss.

Santee Cooper helps raise awareness of how to avoid potential electrical hazards all year round through public education programs for schools, public safety, fire departments and community organizations. Schools in Berkeley, Georgetown and Horry counties can request classroom presentations to teach students of any age electrical safety through “shocking” demonstrations and hands-on activities. Any organization, school, business and industry group can request Santee Cooper’s Power Line Hazard Awareness Demonstration, or PHAD. PHAD gives the audience an up-close view of live power lines and helps educate the public about the dangers associated with overhead and underground power lines.

Everyone can stay safe by taking simple precautions. Here are some electrical safety tips:


  1. Replace damaged appliance cords and don’t overload electric outlets.
  2. Keep all electrical appliances away from water and make sure yours hands are dry when you touch anything electrical.
  3. Do not stick objects other than electrical plugs in an outlet.


  1. Never touch downed power lines. If you see a downed power line, always assume it is energized.
  2. Before digging, call 811, the National One Call Center, to have underground utility lines and pipes marked for free.
  3. Avoid planting trees underneath power lines or near utility equipment, including green electric boxes in your yard or neighborhood.

Learn more about how to avoid electrical safety hazards at home, school and the workplace on Santee Cooper’s Electrical Safety webpage.

Children can learn about electricity and how to use it safely and wisely through fun, interactive games and activities on www.santeecooperkids.com

We’ll have more electrical safety tips throughout the month on social media. Be sure to follow us on Facebook, Twitter, Instagram and LinkedIn.

Author Anna Strickland

Anna Strickland

Considering herself a life-long learner, Anna is a former high school teacher who joined the Educational Programs department in 2016 at Santee Cooper. She is a graduate of Campbell University where she majored in history and education. Also, she earned a master’s degree in history from the University of North Carolina at Wilmington. Anna is passionate about education and community volunteerism. She serves as the Chair of SC Department of Commerce’s Waccamaw Regional Workforce Advisory Board and is a member of Coastal Carolina University’s Women in Philanthropy and Leadership.