Move Service
Moving service means you’re moving from one location to another location within our service territory. When you move, we’re here to help.

You will need the following:
- Account number
- Social Security number, Passport number, FID or TIN
- Move service date (minimum request is next business day, excluding after business hours, holidays and on weekends)
- New service address
- Move service application / aplicación
You can also contact us at 800-804-7424 or, or visit one of our retail offices.
Only the account holder or their designated representative can move service.
Frequently Asked Questions
Will I need to pay anything?
- Any outstanding balance at the current location must be paid before moving your service can be completed.
- We may require an additional deposit when you move service.
What if I need service at both my new and current locations for a few days?
- You may keep service at both locations for five business days.
- If you need more than five business day, fill out a new business service request or contact us at 800-804-7424 or