Santee Cooper has recruited a new Senior Manager of Occupational Safety and Health. Andy Green brings a wealth of experience and expertise to the company’s safety team and has been focused on safety in the utility industry for more than 15 years. Green was previously employed at SCE&G/Dominion Energy and was brought on board to help improve Santee Cooper’s award-winning safety culture.

Green’s primary goal is to encourage his team to be more proactive.
“We want to create a grassroots-driven safety culture, motivated from the boots on the ground with a sense of ownership and pride in our safety record,” said Green.
The safety team is in the process of creating a new system for tracking and trending purposes, which will help ensure the safety culture keeps moving in the right direction.
In addition, Green highlights Santee Cooper’s commitment to fostering a culture of safety excellence. By emphasizing data-driven practices and empowering team members to take ownership of their safety, we’ll build on our already stellar safety record and ensure the well-being of its most important asset – the Santee Cooper team.