Santee Cooper 2024-2026 IRP Stakeholder Process
Explanation of the IRP Stakeholder Process
Santee Cooper is committed to creating a robust Integrated Resource Planning (IRP) process and to continually engage stakeholders to solicit feedback, as per our mission. For the 2023 IRP, Santee Cooper and Vanry Associates facilitated a stakeholder process that led to improvements to the IRP and planning processes through feedback received from participants. Santee Cooper intends to build on this foundation to continue to improve and extend its stakeholder engagement for future IRPs.
For the 2024-2026 IRP Stakeholder process, several different engagement efforts are planned with the goal of providing each stakeholder the best opportunity to receive the information they need and the most efficient means for them to provide feedback. These efforts include general notice meetings, the formation of a stakeholder working group, technical meetings requested by interested stakeholders, and continual updates to and feedback from key stakeholder groups. See below for information related to each of these efforts.
2024-2026 General Notice Meetings
Following the successful efforts of the 2023 IRP Stakeholder process, Santee Cooper continues to host general notice meetings open to the public and all interested stakeholders. Meetings cover a range of topics relevant to developing IRPs and are scheduled strategically throughout the year to allow input prior to finalizing and filing IRPs with the Public Service Commission. See below for materials for each meeting including the presentation, video recording, and meeting summary.
Santee Cooper IRP Stakeholder Working Group
Santee Cooper has formed a working group and invited participants who represent a wide range of interests and perspectives. The working group will play an essential role in developing IRPs. The working group’s mission is to provide a wide range of perspectives and expertise to inform the development of IRPs that are in the best interest of Santee Cooper’s customers and the State of South Carolina. Click here for a one-page summary for the working group.
The working group meets regularly to discuss topics relevant to developing the IRP and supporting studies. The meetings are facilitated by a third party, Vanry Associates, which has substantial experience managing stakeholder processes in the energy sector. See below for the working group charter and materials for each meeting including the presentation and meeting summary.
Technical Meetings
In response to requests for technical sessions, Santee Cooper holds meetings with a smaller group of stakeholders interested in specific topics. Materials and summaries from these meetings are provided below:
IRP Reports and Materials Shared during the Process
In response to stakeholder requests for information, Santee Cooper has shared the reports below.
- Materials to come.
2024-2026 IRP Stakeholder Input and Feedback Forum
To enable and increase engagement outside of meetings, Santee Cooper has created a forum to allow interested stakeholders the ability to post questions or feedback for Santee Cooper to consider in the development of IRPs and supporting studies. Click below to view the forum.