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423.19(d) - (o) Reporting and Recordkeeping Requirements

Cross Generating Station does not discharge bottom ash transport water under 423.13.

Cross Generating Station is not a low utilization electric generating unit applicable to the Best Management Plan requirements of 423.13(k)(3).

Cross Generating Station is not a low utilization electric generating unit applicable to 423.19(f).

Cross Generating Station elected to submit a contingent Notice of Planned Participation (NOPP) under the Voluntary Incentive Program (VIP) regulatory allowances in 2021.

Cross Generating Station has not submitted a Notice of Planned Participation to permanently cease coal combustion by December 31, 2034. The submission deadline is December 31, 2025. 

Cross Generating Station is not seeking protections under 423.18.

423.19(k) is not currently applicable to Cross Generating Station.

Cross Generating Station is not currently seeking a transfer between applicable limitations.

Cross Generating Station is not currently seeking a material delay exception.

Cross Generating Station is not currently requesting to discharge wastewater under the provisions of 423.19(o).