Empower Auto

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Empower Auto

Electric vehicles are becoming more popular, especially with advances in technology, range and options. We’re helping customers who decide to make the switch to EVs by offering rate options. We are working with customers and the community to make our area an EV-friendly destination for both residents and visitors.

EV driver plugging in to charge

ChargeSmart EV Rate Plans

Home EV charger

Home Charger Installation Guide

Public EV chargers

EVolve Commercial Grant Program

EV next to charging station

EV 101

Woman charging her EV

EV Initiatives

EV Savings Calculator

Use this EV Savings Calculator to see potential fuel savings from driving an electric vehicle.

miles per day

miles per gallon

$ per gallon
Monthly Gas Cost
Monthly Utility Cost
Monthly Savings

This information is provided to help you estimate savings to make your own decisions. Actual savings may vary based on individual factors. This estimate uses the current average fuel efficiency of EVs in the US market (3.5 miles per kWh), and Santee Cooper’s average residential energy charges on the RG rate. Fuel efficiency may vary based on your particular EV.